******* Webcam
Info : (As included with the winrar file)
OBS: this is a trojan so your antivirus might turn mad - disable antivirus!
1. fool your victim to run Server.exe (you may rename it)
2. start client.exe yourself and connect to the ip of your victim (leave port to 285)
a way to get the ip is to send something to your victim over msn and typ netstat -b in cmd
3. click Start Capture
You should now be seeing through your victims web cam. If it didn't work your victim has a firewall or something.
Tip: Try it on yourself, this is harmless (simply kill the Server.exe process when finished)
1. run Server.exe
2. run client.exe and connect to
3. start capture
You should see through your own web cam.
4. run taskmgr (ctrl+alt+delete) and kill Server.exe
https://2img.net/h/oi42.tinypic.com/6foavd.jpgtenor Nuk ?sht? n? linj Reporto Postime Të Papëlqyeshme Përgjigju duke Cituar