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 Ndrysho emrin e Shportes apo beje Rename Recycle Bin.

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Ndrysho emrin e Shportes apo beje Rename Recycle Bin. Empty
MesazhTitulli: Ndrysho emrin e Shportes apo beje Rename Recycle Bin.   Ndrysho emrin e Shportes apo beje Rename Recycle Bin. Icon_minitimeSun Feb 22, 2009 8:13 pm

Ndrysho emrin e Shportes apo beje Rename Recycle Bin.
regedit.exe (enter)
pastaj shko sipas udhezimeve


KUJDES! Shell folderin ka mundesi qe nuk e keni andaj e editoni vetem atributes dhe
call for atributes direkt nga ky file {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E})

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Ndrysho emrin e Shportes apo beje Rename Recycle Bin.
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